Anime & Manga · My Drawings

Drawing Box Updated [Special Post]

Hello viewers and reader and welcome to a special post! I rarely write any special post; because it won’t be special anymore, am I right? I believe if I’m not wrong, the last special post was (3 years ago?) about my drawing tools. Today I will share updated drawing tools storage or now “Box” and I will try to be nice and detailed.

If you subscribed to me from long time, I used to have a baby pink box I got it on my birthday and I stored everything there, but it was so cluttered and hard to find stuff, especially I did not put the tools in boxes, I just throw them there. Then I repurpose my giant pink box and stored my clothes in it, I switched a small white bag that had pockets and compartment inside, which made it a lot neater and easy to grab. However I kept buying new stuff every so often, so my bag did not fit everything in, so I realized I need to upgrade my bag. The pink box and white bag stayed with me for a long term, especially the pink box.

So I bought a tool box to store all my drawing tools in one place! And it’s fairly new, I bought it second year of high school. Here what it looks like.

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It’s a simple tools box [356X215X200mm] [14.4” x 8.5 x 8”]. It has a clear lid, with clear compartment/ trays organizers, and black handle/clasp/bottom, all made of plastic. I think it’s a very good size.

This is how it looks when it’s open.

It has three trays, the middle and the last tray have removable dividers, so you can customize the way you like to suit your everyday needs.  I didn’t try and change it, I like the way it is.

In the first tray I have my wooden pencils and two compartments filled with my water color pencils, and in the squared compartment I have plastic sheets and soft pastel instruction and small notebook. I use the plastic sheets for tools that will mess up my box like charcoals and soft pastel, and it’s useful for travel. The small pink notebook doesn’t have the best paper quality but I use it as my markers chart. Each compartment I label it and used a clear masking tape to prevent damage.

The second tray I have promarkers set 1, mechanical pencils, inking pens and promarkers set 2. I have 12 pro markers and for some reason I separated them and put them into “sets” but the labels don’t have a clear tape on it, because I might change it in the future, the only one taped is inking pens.

The third tray has promarkers set 3, sharpeners, eraser and unlabeled compartment. I had a lot of sharpeners but I ended up using them or losing them, so for the moment I own only one sharpener and I put in in my travel drawing pencil case 🙂 That’s why there are cute erasers I bought it in Dubai mall in a bookstore called kinokunyia where I bought Pandora hearts artbook. The last one currently has no use; I just put a really old note pad I use as a pallet.

The bottom has the bulky items! Such as my Faber castell 12 color pencils, my rotring ruler, manga bubble speeches and frames, promarkers instructions, plain paper [to prevent smudging], Faber castell 36 bright pencil color set, soft pastel large 12 colors, copics basic set, Faber castell 24 small color cubs, Perocil pencils soft pastel, perspective rulers, Brushes, water colors, pencil charcoals, empty micron inking pens case and finally a pencil case. I do have a new promarkers set that doesn’t fit my drawing box, but it case its own case so it’s not a problem

All of these items in my drawing box can be easily purchase in your local bookstore or stationary store.

If you want a detailed drawing tools, leave a like and comment and I will humbly write it for you 😀

Hope you enjoyed reading, and happy Thursday.


4 thoughts on “Drawing Box Updated [Special Post]

      1. I used to draw ages ago and now i started again but I’m not good yet ; ; but i love drawing so …. I’m getting more and more supplies again and i think this would be perfect 😀 do you know where i can get this kind of box? :O

        1. I see,best of luck! I got that box from a bookstore in my city called Jarir. But you can check amazon for a similar one, just type amazon-art&craft-tool box on google, you will be able to see similar ones or even better than my box 🙂

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